This is a new book I bought Porter from the Scholastic Book Orders (love em!). Of course, he loves this book primarily because it features "lOOOHHHders" and "Bu-bo-bers" and "Duh-trucks". He loves anything that has to do with trucks.
MommyView: I enjoy reading this book... it has somewhat of a poem on each page, and a little rhythm and repetition on each page.
"Diggers are good at dig, dig, digging,
scooping up the earth, and lifting and tipping.
They make huge holes with their dig, dig digging.
They can work all day"
"Fire engines are good at race, race, racing.
Look out! Look out! Bright lights flashing.
Hoses at the ready for swoosh, swoosh, swooshing.
They can work all day"
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